La Folitterature talks about the book Bonne Nuit | Doupando
La Folitterature is a Quebec literary blog for the whole family, and it's super fun!
Recently, the blog did a great article, so nice, on the personalized book Bonne Nuit, by Doupando, that we had to share it with you.
What we really liked about the Lafolitterature article were the children's comments:
What my boy (age 4) thought of it: A book just for me! A book about me! A book that the boy looks like me! Wow! I am so happy! The pictures are very beautiful. The panda is funny in the desert, he is hot! And the yeti, I like him.
What my daughter (7 years old) thought: Oh, the little boy really looks like my little brother, it's impressive! This book will be a great gift for his whole life! I really like the mermaid and unicorn part. I think it's fun that throughout the story each of the characters describes my little brother. I enjoyed reading to him the other time.
Honestly, it really touched us?
You can read the whole article here: https://lafolitterature.wordpress.com/
We advise you to snoop around in all the book categories, there are real gems for all ages, it's really fun! And for those who prefer, check out her instagram account, it might give you some reading envy
Don't hesitate to write to us, if, like Lafolitterature, you have experienced Doupando's personalized books (especially if there are reviews from little readers).
See you soon!
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